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Collection: PSA #FreePalestine Collection

Public Statement Apparel is a BIPOC owned and operated business with an evolving line of branded apparel, custom apparel and exclusive collaboration pieces. At PSA, we are more than just a merchandise brand; we are a movement for change, a platform for voices, and a catalyst for action.

Our passion is deeply rooted in the pursuit of justice and equality, and we proudly present our latest collection of merchandise designed to amplify the call to Free Palestine. Every item is crafted with love, purpose, and a commitment to spreading awareness about the struggles faced by those in Palestine.

This is more than a moment; it's a historical movement powered by awareness and action. We are witnessing a genocide and settler colonialism being streamed in real time with unfiltered truth for the world to see...and we cannot be neutral or silent. By wearing your statement, you actively contribute to a global conversation, fostering empathy, understanding, and support for the cause. Join the Movement, Wear Your Statement!

Let your voice be heard—loud and clear! Purchase your PSA #FreePalestine merchandise today and become a walking advocate for justice. Your support not only makes a statement but also fuels our ongoing efforts to contribute to community involvement, empowerment, and improvement.

Visit to explore our exclusive Free Palestine collection and discover other impactful messages that resonate with you. If you have an idea, artwork or a statement, let us know... we are always open to your feedback, suggestions and a possible collaboration!

Thank you for being part of this historical movement. Together, we can make a difference—one statement at a time.

In solidarity and with love,

PSA - CEO and Founder

This is a PSA brought to you by

Everything in the PSA Full Collection is completely customizable. DM us if you want to add a name, @, #hashtag, date, or even if you want a specific color scheme to match your kicks, we got you covered! If you want something specific, let us know and we will make it happen at a better price and turnaround than your local spot or any other site online!

Share your pictures in PSA gear and tag us to be featured on our social media!